Get to Know Us
ConnectHome Denver empowers Denver’s low-income residents by connecting them to essential information and resources for affordable internet, accessible technology, and the education needed to succeed in today’s digital world.
Through strong partnerships with community organizations and dedicated collaborators, ConnectHome Denver helps eliminate barriers to digital inclusion, ensuring residents have the tools and skills to use technology with confidence.
Our mission is to create a future where every Denver resident has the support needed to fully participate in the opportunities of the digital age.
Who We Serve
ConnectHome Denver’s focus is to provide resources and information to the Denver Metro area’s low to moderate-income individuals, this includes but is not limited to individuals and/or families that participate in any of the following programs:
Public Housing Residents
Section 8 Residents
Head Start
National School Lunch Program
Social Security Disability (SSD)
Community College Student with Pell Grant
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Receiving Energy Assistance (LIHEAP)
Financial Assistance (e.g. TANF)
Food Support (SNAP), or
Annual income under 200% of poverty level

ConnectHome Denver seeks to break the digital divide and provide services to low-income individuals in the city of Denver.
To better assist you with your connectivity needs, we kindly ask that you fill out this Community Technology Survey.
Need help connecting to affordable internet or using your device? Check out Connect Home partner services.
Need help with your connectivity needs? Explore this list of local digital navigators ready to assist you!